IT Facilities

One of the most important part of the company is to keep any record to use latest IT Facilities. Aaiswarya Dyeing Mill has 400 IP Camera to look every part of company, Machine, Employee, Hospital Department, Canteen Department, Security Gate, Parking Department etc. with monitoring 24 hours recording in CCTV Control Room. Companies all process are going through well maintain Fiber optic cable, manageable switch, Security Devises, latest technology of server with Connectivity to other places from wireless tower. Whole Company covered with Wi-Fi area to connect on Mobile device-Laptops. Visitors are connect it for his requirement to limited using. Daily Routine work are done with computerized system like party payment sending SMS on his email ID. We could make a grand software to do all work with help of it like Party wise Grey Inward, master programming, Stage to Stage Entry Level with user based policy. All above observation are kept in eye under IT Department Administrator.

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